1. Slack Key #1
2. Aloha Hale O Ho‘oponopono
3. ‘Olu O Pu‘ulani
4. Hula Blues
5. Na Pua Ka ‘Ilima
6. Kananaka
7. Slack Key #2 (Mahina's Trot)
8. ‘Imi Au Iā ‘Oe (King's Serenade)
9. Endlessly
10. Moana Chimes/ Pa‘ahana
11. Ipo Lei Manu
12. Keiki Slack Key (Chillingworth song)
13. Hilo Hanakahi
14. Mai Poina ‘Oe Ia‘u (Not to be Forgotten)
15. Liloa's Mele (Grandson's Lullaby)